Friday, November 29, 2019

DON'T PAY YOUR TAXES AND YOU WILL FIND OUT WHO THE REAL LANDLORD IS ... PAY ATTENTION: 1 - Born in Bondage 2 - Christ Set Us Free 3- False Brethren Take Away Christ Liberty


1 - Born in Bondage

2 - Christ Set Us Free

3- False Brethren Take Away Christ Liberty

All States With An Income Tax Is A Slave State

A slave is a person who does not own his own labor. His labor is owned by another. On 19th century plantations about half of a slave’ output was used to feed, clothe, and house him. In other words, the slave was taxed at 50%. The other half was return on the capital the owner had invested in the slave.

In medieval times, serfs were less productive than slaves in the 19th century. Historians I read decades ago concluded that the productivity of labor was so low in medieval times that if more than 30% of a serf’s labor was claimed by lords, the serfs could not reproduce and would revolt.